给 scinart 留言

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Onko epäluottamus p 说:
2016年8月28日 00:23

Onko epäluottamus perusteltu? Miksi hallitus pitäisi vaihtaa? Ilmeisesti hallitus on valittu sääntöjen mukaisesti?Yhdistyksen säännöt kertovat miten ylimääräinen kokous voidaan järjestää. Onko yhdistys johonkin paikkaan sidottu vai valtakunnallinen?

#22 Sarge, I’m 说:
2016年8月27日 16:51

#22 Sarge, I’m aware of authoritarians and those who fall for the fear mongering lies our government has told for 40+ years.Because we all know there aren’t any actual voters who want to keep the WoD going.But I didn’t want to personally insult you or Darren. It’s an effing plant, dude. Prohibition has never worked and will never work. Yet, some still support it despite the demonstrable ineffectiveness and substantial costs. Fiscal conservative? Yea, and I’m the Queen of England.

eu estava na sala da 说:
2016年8月27日 16:30

eu estava na sala da minha casa com dois colegas estava sentada na mesa do lado de uma janela quando olhei avistei um rosto na janela e entrei em panico so eu vi era feio e entrei em panico meus amigos perguntava o q eu tinha eu so xorava nao conseguia nem me mexer foi horriveu[]

Tammilehto, uraanien 说:
2016年8月27日 15:39

Tammilehto, uraanienergian kannattajat saavat valtavasti lisäpontta julistuksestasi ilmastonmuutoksesta ja hiilidioksiidista. Voisitjko joskus etsiä sitä totuutta sieltäkin, esimerkiksi siitä, miten sairaalloisen määrän uraanienergiateollisuus on lähettänyt ilmakehään CFC -kaasuja – ja tod. näk. jatkaa toimintaa, koska säilytys-rikastamisprosessiin ei ole löytynyt yhtä hyvää ainetta.Vrt. ”lyijytön bensa” .

I married for the se 说:
2016年8月27日 15:19

I married for the second time in May last year and felt very proud to take my new husbands name. Mind you anything was better than Learoyd! When I divorced I used Ms and had fun when asked whether Miss or Mrs and always said I was in the middle and used Ms. but never comfortable using it.

Thanks for an unbeli 说:
2016年8月27日 14:34

Thanks for an unbelievable post, would study one’s others posts. thanks for your thinking for this, I experienced somewhat strike by this text. Thanks again! You earn a great moment. Has great report here. I think that when more individuals thought of it like that, they’d possess a better time obtain the hold ofing the difficulty.

Seems to me you set 说:
2016年8月27日 08:51

Seems to me you set the bar waaaaaay too low for jersey retirement.I thought I’d set it at 100 wins for the team, rather than 50, but it turns out that as a Nets fan I want J-Kidd’s Nets jersey retired, and he only has 99.1 wins for the team (according to NBA Geek’s site). So I am going with a 99 win cutoff.

- sorry, but it does 说:
2016年8月26日 20:57

- sorry, but it doesn’t really affect 1′s fertility as it prevent 1′s from getting an erection lol.- I suppose if he can’t get "it" up, then ya, the chances of him conceiving R very slim.

I actually enjoyed t 说:
2016年8月26日 15:14

I actually enjoyed the movie from a fiction perspective, but did laugh at the anagram comment, and also how Ian McKellons mouth movements yelling from the car at one stage matched the police car sirens! i laughed hard, but no one else did in the cinema, oh well!!!!I thought a real lowlight of Tautou’s character was her attempt at walking on water!!!!!!

. Both customer tran 说:
2016年8月26日 15:05

. Both customer transactions and average ticket were lower in the latest quarter, as “the housing and home improvement markets remain challenging,” said Chairman and CEO Frank Blake.

I think the title mi 说:
2016年8月26日 12:08

I think the title might have misled you. I haven't read the book, but the title doesn't seem to fit the summary. It's hard to like a book when it's tough to like, or at least sympathize/relate to the characters.

I actually found thi 说:
2016年8月26日 07:30

I actually found this more entertaining than James Joyce.

Girl, this sucks bal 说:
2016年8月26日 06:31

Girl, this sucks balls. I'm def praying for you! I wish I had some encouraging words of advice, but I doubt there's much I can say to make you feel better. Just take it a day at a time... or at least one pee at a time. I have had friends who've bleed throughout their pregnancy and ended up having healthy babies, if that's any reassurance. XOXO

$ 200 in my state&#8 说:
2016年8月26日 06:27

$ 200 in my state…….usually from following too close–or the car in front keeps siding to shoulder–or behind gravel truck-no tarp- which is against law—but never cited!

A mi me gusta desde 说:
2016年8月26日 05:42

A mi me gusta desde el compartir haciendo el arbol con mis hijas, hasta la comida que se hace para esos dias, las luces los regalos, en especial ver la sonrisa de mis hijas abriendo sus regalos.adaliadelcompar at gmail dot com

opaqueheart09 / 说:
2016年8月25日 23:11

opaqueheart09 / “..when the lid is saggy and hangs down onto the lashes…” That was a great way to make someone feel like crap about their hooded eyelid. Certainly there could have been a more positive word choice. Also, not all hooded eyes are from age, some are genetic (like mine…had them since childhood). Other than that, the explanation was rather good.

I literally jumped o 说:
2016年8月25日 22:25

I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!