用Common Lisp实现的一个Huffman编码程序,
;;; Time-stamp: <2013-04-28 18:28:34 scinart>
;;; by Scinart akukeej@gmail.com
;;; modified at 2013-04-28 Sunday 17:36:07
(defun string-to-list (str lst) "from \"abc\" to '(\#a \#b \#c)" (if (= 0 (length str)) lst (string-to-list (subseq str 1) (cons (char str 0) lst))))
(defun occurrences (lst) "frome '(A B A) to '((A . 2) (B . 1))" (labels ((insert (mem array) (let ((result (member mem array :key #'car))) (cond (result (incf (cdar result)) array) (t (push (cons mem 1) array))))) (occurrences-aid (lst array) (if (null lst) (sort array #'(lambda (a b) (< (cdr a) (cdr b)))) (let ((new-array (insert (car lst) array))) (occurrences-aid (cdr lst) new-array))))) (occurrences-aid lst nil)))
(defstruct (huffman (:conc-name h-) (:print-function huffman-print)) element frequency (l nil) (r nil))
(defun huffman-print (huff stream depth) "pretty print huffman tree" (when (not (null (h-r huff))) (huffman-print (h-r huff) stream (+ 1 depth))) (when (not (null (h-element huff))) (dotimes (i depth) (format stream " ")) (format stream "~A:~A~%" (h-element huff) (h-frequency huff))) (when (null (h-element huff)) (dotimes (i depth) (format stream " ")) (format stream "#S:~A~%" (h-frequency huff))) (when (not (null (h-l huff))) (huffman-print (h-l huff) stream (+ 1 depth))))
(defun combine (a b) "Combine to huffman to a new father huffman set element to nil, and frequency the sum" (make-huffman :element nil :frequency (+ (h-frequency a) (h-frequency b)) :l a :r b))
(defun huffman-encode (huff) "encode a huffman tree which is not a leaf. pretty printed." (labels ((add0 (elt) (cons (car elt) (concatenate 'string "0" (cdr elt)))) (add1 (elt) (cons (car elt) (concatenate 'string "1" (cdr elt))))) (if (null (h-element huff)) (append (mapcar #'add0 (huffman-encode (h-l huff))) (mapcar #'add1 (huffman-encode (h-r huff)))) (list (cons (h-element huff) "")))))
(defun huffman-sort (&optional (< #'<)) "return the function compares A.frequency and B.frequency" #'(lambda (A B) (< (h-frequency A) (h-frequency B))))
(defun huffman-encode-string (str) "huffman encode a string" ;; test is a sorted list of huffman leaves. (let ((test (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-huffman :element (car x) :frequency (cdr x))) (occurrences (string-to-list str nil))) (huffman-sort)))) ;; this loop reduce test to a huffman root. (loop (when (<= (length test) 1) (return)) ;; the sort here is not effective, should be replaced by binary insertion sort or maintained by a priorty queue. (setf test (sort (cons (combine (first test) (second test)) (nthcdr 2 test)) (huffman-sort)))) (huffman-encode (car test))))
(huffman-encode-string "abracadabra")
(sort (huffman-encode-string "emacs acronyms emacs: escape-meta-alt-control-shift emacs: eight megabytes and constantly swapping emacs: even a master of arts comes simpler emacs: emacs manuals are cryptic and surreal emacs: energetic merchants always cultivate sales emacs: each manual's audience is completely stupified emacs: emacs means a crappy screen emacs: eventually munches all computer storage emacs: even my aunt crashes the system emacs: eradication of memory accomplished with complete simplicity emacs: elsewhere maybe alternative civilizations survive emacs: egregious managers actively court stallman emacs: esoteric malleability always considered silly emacs: emacs manuals always cause senility emacs: easily maintained with the assistance of chemical solutions emacs: edwardian manifestation of all colonial sins emacs: extended macros are considered superfluous emacs: every mode accelerates creation of software emacs: elsewhere maybe all commands are simple emacs: emacs may allow customised screwups emacs: excellent manuals are clearly suppressed emacs: emetic macros assault core and segmentation emacs: embarrassed manual-writer accused of communist subversion emacs: extensibility and modifiability aggravate confirmed simpletons emacs: emacs may annihilate command structures emacs: easily mangles, aborts, crashes and stupifies emacs: extraneous macros and commands stink emacs: exceptionally mediocre algorithm for computer scientists emacs: emacs makes no allowances considering its stiff price emacs: equine mammals are considerably smaller emacs: embarrassingly mundane advertising cuts sales emacs: every moron assumes cca is superior emacs: exceptionally mediocre autocratic control system emacs: emacs may alienate clients and supporters emacs: excavating mayan architecture comes simpler emacs: erasing minds allows complete submission emacs: emacs makers are crazy sickos emacs: eenie-meenie-miney-mo- macros are completely slow emacs: experience the mildest ad campaign ever seen emacs: emacs makefiles annihilate c- shells emacs: eradication of memory accomplished with complete simplicity emacs: emetic macros assault core and segmentation emacs: epileptic mlisp aggravates compiler seizures emacs: evenings, mornings, and a couple of saturdays emacs: emacs makes all computing simple emacs: emacs masquerades as comfortable shell emacs: emacs: my alternative computer story emacs: emacs made almost completely screwed emacs: each mail a continued surprise emacs: every mode acknowledges customized strokes emacs: eating memory and cycle-sucking emacs: everyday material almost compiled successfully emacs: elvis masterminds all computer software emacs: emacs makes a computer slow") #'(lambda (x y) (< (length (cdr x)) (length (cdr y)))))
((#\s . "000") (#\a . "001") (#\ . "010") (#\e . "100") (#\i . "0110") (#\c . "1010") (#\m . "1011") (#\o . "11001") (#\n . "11011") (#\r . "11101") (#\l . "11110") (#\t . "11111") (#\p . "011111") (#\y . "110000") (#\Newline . "110100") (#\d . "110101") (#\: . "111000") (#\u . "111001") (#\b . "0111000") (#\w . "0111010") (#\v . "0111100") (#\f . "0111101") (#\h . "1100010") (#\g . "1100011") (#\x . "01110010") (#\k . "01110011") (#\- . "01110111") (#\z . "011101100") (#\, . "0111011011") (#\' . "01110110100") (#\q . "01110110101"))
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